Self-Care this autumn

Develop an autumn self-care practice - individually for you

In these times it’s more important than ever to evolve a self-care practice that helps your well-being this autumn and to keep your energy and mood level high.
First of all please don’t ever think self-care is selfish - the more balanced you feel, the better you can support the people around you. That is a proven fact.
There are various types of self-care and we will uncover them with you to help you build your individual practice, what feels best and healing for you. Maybe you know immediately which actions work best for you - otherwise it always helps to try them out and see what fits your personality and habits best. The key is that these actions should never be considered as another obligation in your daily life, but things you really enjoy.

Generally there are 6 different types of self-care:
Types of self-care


This is above all - your body is your temple. Taking care of your body and physical wellbeing should never be neglected. But this at the same time shouldn’t mean you are forced to set-up a new workout routine for instance - it’s the simple things:

  • drink more water
  • eat your daily portion of veggies & fruits
  • do medical check-ups regularly
  • stretch in the morning and before bedtime
  • go for a walk in your lunch break
  • find a sleeping routine and make sure you're getting enough sleep
Emotional self-care is all about reflection. Find awareness for your feelings and learn how to deal with them. Find out about your triggers and cultivate compassion for yourself and the people around you.

  • dedicate time to unplug from technical devices
  • write down your feelings, journal
  • practice meditation & set an intention for the day
  • learn to say ‘no’ to people/things/activities, that affect you negatively
Spiritual self-care goes one step further - it’s all about the bigger picture. Establish beliefs and values that guide your life and nourish your soul. For some this may be religion, but for others there are different approaches to find purpose and meaning in life. These are ways to live spiritual self-care:

  • spend time in nature
  • meditate
  • write a gratitude journal
  • volunteer for local services
This type of self-care includes your individual growth - nourish your mind by engaging with new topics or evolve your knowledge in one of your interests.

  • hear podcasts
  • read a book
  • take a course on something you were always fascinated about, e.g. pottery/yoga/dance/sewing
  • watch a documentary on a topic you’re interested in
Since humanity is a social system, we are all longing for social connection - some more, some less. But in fact it is essential to all of us. It involves having a supportive network of friends/family, you can trust and rely on. Working in your social self-care can mean:

  • talk to the barista of the coffee shop you always grab your coffee in the morning
  • catch up with an old friend
  • organize a family get-together
  • spend time with loved ones
All sensual perceptions help us to be in the present moment - whether it comes to vision, hearing, smelling, tasting or touching. Consciously starting acitivities focussing on a sense can be an effective way of more mindfulness and lowering stress levels.


As you can see there are so many possible ways of practicing self-care. It is important that you’ll find your personal fit and stick to it. You will grow and your environment will also perceive you differently - more balanced and happy. Have fun sharing this with your loved ones and be open to enjoy this autumn to the fullest!